SEO Checker Full Overview



Okay. We’re going to do a full review of JEMSU’s instant SEO checker. We’re going to walk through your score and the whole report. So to get started, you simply add your URL and your keyword and then your email and press scan now and it takes about 15 seconds for it to fully scan your website.  The unique thing about this SEO checker is it checks your URL or your webpage for a particular keyword. I would say that 90% of the SEO checkers out there just do a general analysis.  This is the better way to go because you can see how your webpage ranks for a particular keyword. And if you want to optimize your site, you’re always optimizing for a particular set of keywords, so that’s what makes this SEO scanner unique. And there really are very few SEO checkers out there that check for a particular keyword.

So when it finishes up here, we’ll walk through the 58 elements in this report and discuss each one. So the overview or the first page here will give you your overall score. It looks like we got 86 and its also going to show the webpage that you analyzed and the keyword that you wanted to see how the page is optimized for. So like I said, we’re looking at about 58 SEO elements. In this case we got 40 good signals and 18 issues were found. So that’s how we got a score of 86. If you have any questions about the report, you can always reach out to us. Our phone number and our email are up here in the top right-hand corner. So the first section is speed and speed obviously is becoming increasingly important, both for the user experience and for SEO and Google’s algorithm, particularly on mobile devices.

Our SEO checker looks at three speed elements. The first thing that it’s going to look at is how fast the page loads. It’s going to look at the size of the page and the number of file requests on the page. So those are the three simple elements that this SEO checker looks at. If you had a poor score for any of these, you would see a red checkmark, but we passed on all three because we have a pretty good load time here. The next element that it’s going to look at is your URL. It’s going to check to see if your URL is SEO friendly and then it’s going to see if the exact keyword is in the URL. I would say that that is not that important. If you get a red checkmark for the exact keyword. I wouldn’t worry too much about that unless you’re checking a deep page.

If you’re checking a deep page and not your root domain, then you probably want to make sure that your exact keyword is somewhere in the URL. It’s going to check to see if there are any underscores in your URL. Definitely the recommendation is to use hyphens and not underscores and then it’s going to check to see if the page is close enough to the top-level domain. So you don’t want to have multiple directories deep. You want to keep it at most two or three away from the root domain. So that’s what that is checking for. The next element is one of the most important elements that is going to check is your title tag. It’s going to first to see if your keyword is found in your title tag. That’s obviously extremely important. And then it’s going to see if your keyword begins with your title tag.

The most important keyword should be at the front of your title tag. The last thing it checks is, is it under 70 characters? If it’s too long, they’ll get a red. check Mark. There again, this is, this is what makes this SEO checker unique is it’s really looking at this page against the keyword that I’m looking at. Most SEO checkers will only check something like the title length. Uh, is it long enough that doesn’t really help you out a lot with your SEO audit. You really need to understand, here’s the keyword I’m trying to rank for is the keyword in the title. So definitely the SEO checker that checks for a particular keyword is the best type of SEO analyzer to use. So the next element that’s going to check is the description tag. And again it’s going to look to see if the exact keyword that we’re trying to optimize for is in the D in description tag as well as if the description tag has less than 160 characters.

We got green checks marks on both of those, so we’re, we’re good on. The next element that our SEO checker looks at is your images. It’s going to check to see if there’s any, uh, meta-tags for images like a, like a Twitter card or any, uh, Metta meta-tags found. Looks like we do not have a meta-tags. We need to add that there. Tt’s going to check to see if the images have alt tags. Tt’s also going to check to see if the keyword is found in the alt tags. That’s also going to check to see if the keyword is in the file name itself. Uh, and then it’s going to see if there are any underscores in your file names because again, you want to use dashes, not underscores in both your URL and in any file name for your images.

So it looks like we’ve got a couple red check Mark there, some simple fixes for us there. The next element is gonna look at, it’s going to look at the top keywords used so you can kind of see what keywords you use the most throughout your content and that’s very helpful. And then it’s going to check our heading tags, going to check three elements per heading tags versus it’s going to look to see if our heading tags exist. Do we have an H1 and H2 and an H3, are our exact keywords found in our header tags. In this case we do not have our exact keywords in our headers. That’s actually a pretty important SEO element and something we definitely need to fix. And then it’s going to check to see if there are any duplicate heading tags.

Your H1, H2 and H3 should all be different and they should be different sizes and they should obviously have different keywords and phrases in there. So, the next element it’s going to look at is our copy or our text. Uh, it’s going to check to see if there are 2000 words on the page. Obviously the more content the better, uh, for SEL and for optimization, it’s going to see if the keyword is used two to four times within your content. It’s going to cheat. See if your a keyword is bold. I tell assigned or underlined in any place, and we’re, we’re missing on all three of those. And then it’s gonna check to see if the exact keyword is found in the first 100 words. So is your keyword at the top of your content. It’s also gonna check to see if your exact keyword is in any anchor texts for any links, internal links to elsewhere.

And there’s also going to check to see if a site map is found. So we, we definitely have a lot of work to do here. On our, on our copy or our content. But they’re pretty simple fixes as well. The next element that is going to check is your code. It’s going to make sure that your code is W3C validated. It’s going to check to see if there’s any flash.And also if there’s any inline CSS, it’s going to check to see if there is any, uh, or it’s going to check to see what the text to HTML ratio is. And it’s also going to check to see if we have any schema in our, in our code as well as is there a site map and XML site map. So that’s, those are the kind of the six simple code elements that to check there.

Definitely a lot more to check in SEL, but those are kind of six simple, code elements to check. And the next element is gonna look at is our social analysis. Is there a Facebook share button? And do we have a blog? And so it looks like in this case we have both Facebook and a link to our blog. So that’s kind of a simple, very, very simple, uh, social analysis. The next element that our Checker’s gonna look at is, uh, the mobile analysis. It’s going to look to see if we have a mobile site map. It’s going to look to see if it’s compressed like a, with a, with a Jesus file. Uh, do we have an Apple icon and is there a viewport also shows you what your site looks like or gives you a snapshot of your site in a mobile version, which is really nice.

The next element that the page or the SEO checker looks at is your page links. In this case it says there was only two links from other sites, which would be a very low number of backlinks. We found five backlinks from unique domains, so it’s going to check that. It’s going to check outbound links and it’s going to check, outbound follow links. It’s going to check your MAs trust and then your MAs, uh, rank scores. And we have pretty low there. So it gave us red checkmarks for our Mazda trust. And our Moz rank as well. It’s going to check your MA’s page authority and we’re okay there. So those are kind of the page link elements. It’s going to check, it’s going to check your overall root domain. This is important to note that um, with this SEO checker you can check a deep page as well as your homepage.

We’re looking at the homepage here, but in this case it’s going to check five across your root domain as well. It’s going to check to see how many, um, links you have from other sites. It’s going to check to see how many of those are unique links. And again, as well as the Moss trust and Mazda rank and Mazda authority scores for the overall domain, um, is going to check several elements for the domain analysis. It’s going to make sure that your, uh, key or that your uh, domain is not too long. It’s going to look to see if it’s less than 15 characters. Um, again, it’s going to look to see if the keyword is found in the domain. I don’t think that that’s important. It’s going to check the age of the domain when it expires. I’m definitely recommend that you register your domain for um, as long as possible, so it’s pretty cheap.

I would register it for multiple years, five, 10 years if you can. It’s gonna see if it’s set to a preferred domain and if there is any kind of penalization, um, as well, um, it’s going to check to see if it’s has an SSL certificate or it has HTTPS and if there’s a robot dot TXT file and if you have a favicon. So those again are really kind of nine very simple elements. It’s going to check, um, but uh, some of them are pretty important. Um, that’s, that’s really it. Um, at the very end of the, of there your report, you’re going to have a task list. Um, and the task list really takes all of the areas where you got red checks marks and um, it puts it into a task list. So it’s easy for you to, um, work on the elements that you missed. Um, and that’s, that’s really it. That is the whole, um, instant SEO checker. And report here. Again, great thing to run and quickly get, and then it gives you a nice little task list to work on so you can get some of those SEO elements fixed. So that’s it. Thank you.