Instant SEO Checker + Report in 30 Seconds

Enter the URL of any landing page to see how optimized it is for one keyword or phrase…

What’s In My Instant SEO Score + Report?

SEO Checker Overview

This section outlines your overall SEO score between 0 and 100 based on the 58 SEO elements checked.   In addition, you can see the number of “good signals” and “issues found”.

SEO Audit Overview

Website Speed

Website speed is an increasingly important aspect of SEO.  This section checks your page load speed, page size and the number of file requests.

Okay. The first element that our SEO checker looks at is website speed. Our SEO checker looks at three elements. It’s going to look at how fast your page loads, the size of the page and the number of file requests. So, uh, that’s a very basic speed checker, but, um, website speed is becoming an increasingly important part of SEO and the user experience. So it’s definitely an important part of your SEO checklist to pay attention to. Um, Google does have a mobile crawler and a desktop crawler. And so you are probably gonna load differently on a mobile device when you do two on a desktop device. So sometimes it’s a good idea to check your speed on both mobile and desktop and optimize to make sure both, um, speeds are fast or that meet a certain standard. But again, this is a, a very quick, simple way that our SEO checker looks at your website. Speed. Thanks.

SEO Checker Website Speed

Okay. The next element that our SEO checker looks at is your URL. This applies to both your root domain URL and the URL of any of the sub pages that you’re checking using this instant SEO checker. So it checks for things first to see it checks, to see if the URL is SEO friendly. That’s primarily going to see if it has too many numbers in it. Is it too long? Um, the next thing is going to check is if the keyword that you’re trying to target is in the URL itself, um, best practices to make sure that your URLs are keyword rich, and that you put the keywords that you’re trying to target into your URL. Uh, the next thing it checks is checks for underscores. Google does not really recognize underscores. So if you’re, you’re trying to use keyword rich phrases, you should be using dashes to separate words rather than underscores. And then the last thing to it checks is to see if the page is close to the top level domain. You don’t want to have a URL that has six, seven, eight directories deep. You want to keep as many of your sub pages, um, as close to the root domain as possible. So those are the four simple SEO elements that are instant SEO checker looks at for your website. Thanks.


This section checks if your URL is SEO friendly, does the keyword appear in the domain, are there any underscores and if the page is close enough to the top-level domain.

SEO Checker URL

Title Tag

Your title tag is one of the most important SEO elements.  It helps both users and search engine know what the page is about.  This sections checks if your keyword is found in the title tag, if the title tag starts with the keyword and if the your title tags is less 70 characters or less.

Okay. The next element that our instant SEO checker looks at is your page titles or your title tag. And it’s going to look at three elements on your title. Tag. First is going to see if the keyword that you’re targeting is found in the title tag it’s. Secondly, it’s going to look at if the title begins with that particular keyword and third, it’s going to see if your title tag is less than 70 characters. Now there’s definitely a lot to be said about optimizing your page titles. Definitely. Uh, your page titles are important. Part of SEO. It is the element that is pulled into the Google search engine results page. Um, and as important in terms of both describing to Google, what the page is about. And it’s also important in telling customers, um, what the page is about and convincing them to click on it.

So it has both a conversion element to it and an optimization element to it. So page titles are actually a really important part of your SEO. So this checks just three basic things. Definitely you should be using the keyword in your title tag or keyword phrase or key words. Um, secondly, you should make sure that it is under 55 to 60 characters. You don’t want Google to truncate it in their search engine results pages. Um, and another couple practices that we recommend that aren’t really checked in here is I wouldn’t be redundant in your keyword usage, um, in your title tag. Also, we do recommend using pipe bars as separators and your title tag, uh, that is because it takes up the least character space or pixel space. Um, and, and thirdly, we recommend capitalizing the first letter of each word to make your title tag a little bit more prominent and visible within search results. Your title tag doesn’t need to have proper grammar or sentence form that really is revert reserved for your meta-description. So, um, title tags are very important. This does check three simple things. You can get a much deeper, detailed information on how to write a perfect title tag, um, at gem SU simply Google, how to write a perfect title tag. Um, and then we’d go through about 10 elements that can really help you optimize your titles. Uh, that’s it. Thank you.

SEO Checker Title Tag

Speaker 1: (00:00)
Okay. The next element that our SEO checker looks at is your description tag. And your description tag is another element that Google pulls into its search engine results page. So it has importance when it comes to conversion or convincing people to click on your listing to your site. Uh, the description tag doesn’t have a lot of weight when it comes to optimization, but does have that conversion weight to it, which indirectly definitely impacts your SEO and your rankings. Uh, our SEO checker really looks at two elements with your description tag. One is the keyword that you’re trying to target the primary key, whether you’re trying to target for that page in the description. And two, is it under 160 characters again? So you don’t get truncated, a couple other best practices for description tags and writing. Good descriptions is one use proper English and proper grammar. So you do want to use full sentence form and punctuation capitalizing the first letter, um, and not the rest of the letters like you would in a title tag. Uh, also some other good best practices for optimizing description tags are to utilize some calls to action within the description tag, you can use even your phone number, um, but definitely putting some calls to action. The description can help that click through rate or that conversion element that is important to description tags. So that is how our instant SEO checker looks at those two elements. Thanks.

Meta Description 

Your meta description is an important SEO element that is pulled into SERP listings to help both users and search engine understand what your page is about.  This section checks if your keyword is included in your meta description and if the meta description is 160 characters or less.

SEO Checker Meta Description

Image Analysis

Google and other search engines need image meta data to determine what the images on your web page are about.  This section checks your image meta tags, alt tags and file names to ensure they are optimized for SEO.

Okay. The next element that our instant SEO checker looks at is your images. It’s going to look at five different aspects of optimizing your images. Uh, the first element it’s going to look at is a better tag for your images. It’s also going to look for an alt tag or alternative text. Um, it’s also gonna look for the key word in the alt tags. Um, so the primary keyword that you’re trying to target for that page should exist somewhere, um, in the alt text of your images. And then secondly, it’s going to see if the keyword that you’re trying to target for that page is in the file name of the images. And then lastly, it’s going to check to see if your file names, how underscores in them. Again, Google does not like underscores. Um, you should be using dashes to separate words, um, in your URLs and in your image file names.

So really importantly, to optimize your images properly, your or file names should be keyword rich and include the primary keyword you’re targeting for that page. Um, and the yeah, image itself should have good metadata should have good titles, should have good descriptions and should good ha have good alternative texts. Um, and those are kind of five primary elements of optimizing your images. There is also the importance of optimizing images for size, meaning that you shouldn’t, um, you shouldn’t have an image that’s too big. It’s going to have to be resized by the browser cause it will spend time loading. The image images should be, um, size properly out of the gate. Um, so you’re not spending a lot of time resizing the images, also the quality of the images having good quality images is critical. Um, and there are different formats. A web P is one of the fastest and high quality formats you can use for images, uh, that tends to load very fast. Um, but there, those are the five basic, um, image elements that our SEO checker looks at. Thanks.

SEO Checker Image Analysis

Top 5 Keywords Used

Content and keyword density is an indicator to Google for what the page is about.  This section identifies which 5 keywords are used the most within your content.

SEO Checker Top 5 Keywords

Heading Tags

Headers are an important element for both users and search engines to explain your web pages key points and content sections.  This section checks to see if your keywords are included in the important headers.

Okay. The next element that our instant SEO checker looks at is your heading tags is going to look at three things for heading tags. First, it’s going to see if it can find an H one H two H three, up to H six. Um, secondly, it’s going to see if the primary keyword you’re targeting for that page is in your heading tags at all. And then lastly, it’s going to look to see if there are any duplicate heading tags. So those are the three basic things that are incidents. You’ll check. It looks at a couple other good best practices, uh, for heading tags are a to only have one H one for that to be kind of your primary heading tag. So I would make sure that your keyword is in your age one. It can be in your age two and H three through eight, six, your other heading tags, but it’s most important to have your primary keywords in your [inaudible] and you shouldn’t have multiple H ones. You should only have one H one. Um, so that’s kind of best practices. Um, there, I would stylize your H ones to have them different sizes, probably your H one should be your largest and then kind of reduce in size. Um, however, that’s quite not as important as just making sure that your heading tags are descriptive of the content and that your primary keywords exist in your heading tags. So those are the three basic elements that are instant SEO checker looks at when it comes to any tags. Thanks.

SEO Checker Heading Tags

The next element that our SEO checker looks at is your copy or in this case, it’s called copy analysis, which really is all of your text content. Um, our instant SEO checker looks at six different items of your content. Um, the first thing is going to look to see is if you have 2000 words on each page, this is often times, um, missed by many websites, many pages. Uh, it has been found by a lot of SEO professionals that having 2000 words is important way, um, to get better ranking. So in this case, our internet instant SEO checker definitely is looking to see if you have more than 2000 words of content. It’s also going to look to see if the primary keyword that you’re targeting is used between two to four times within that content. Um, and it’s also gonna look to see if, if that key word is bolded or italicized or emphasized and any way, um, it looks to see, um, if that keyword is used near the front of that content or within the first hundred words.

Um, and then also it’s going to look to see if there are any, um, uh, anchor text for that keyword that you’re trying to target, um, as well as looking for a link to your site map, which, um, is important. We recommend having both an XML and an HTML site map. So, uh, the content of your page in your entire website is a really critical part of SEO. So I think that these six elements that are checked in this copy analysis are pretty important. I would definitely recommend trying to get at least 2000 words, um, on your pages. I would recommend using the keywords two to four times and where you can emphasize those keywords that you’re trying to target. So that is, um, how our instant SEO checker quickly looks at your copy.

Copy Analysis

Content is king. Your web page copy is definitely one of the most important aspects of your pages SEO.  This section checks several important SEO elements to make sure your copy follows best SEO practices including:  word count, frequency, emphasize, priority and anchor text.

SEO Checker Copy Analysis

Code Analysis

Google and other search engines read code.  Several important standards need to be followed to ensure your pages are being properly read and indexed.  This section checks HTML W3C validation, flash, css, text to HTML ratios, schema and sitemaps.

The next element that our instant SEO checker looks at is your code. Uh, it’s going to check six items on your code. First. It’s going to check to see if your code is W3C validated. You definitely don’t want, um, all sorts of improper code Google. Doesn’t like that. Google likes the code to be clean, so it’s easy to read. So it’s going to check to see if it’s a W3C validated next. It’s going to check to see if you have any flash flash is going away completely. And so we want to make sure that you’re not using any flash, cause it will not be red at all. Um, it, Google does recommend removing inline CSS, uh, this, you know, definitely some people push their CSS in line to make their page load a little faster, but it does make your page have a lot higher text to HTML or about lower text HTML ratio when you have too much code in there.

So probably should remove your inline CSS and make it a style sheet. And then also try to make sure that you don’t have too much code in there, but that you have a higher text to HTML ratio. Um, it’s going to look to see if you have any schema markup structured data is very valuable to Google, um, and we’ve found Google loves structured data or schema. So it’s going to check for that. And then it’s also going to look for an XML site map. Um, again, Google likes you to have an HTML site map and an XML site map. So those are kind of six, very basic code elements that our internet SEO checker looks at. There are certainly a lot more to look at, but those are six pretty good ones and break quick lists to check.

SEO Checker Code Analysis

The next element that our instant SEO checker looks at is your social icons, or if you have a blog on your site. So really there’s just two very basic elements that this SEO checker looks at. And one is going to check to see if you have a Facebook share button on your site. Are you sharing your Facebook page? Um, definitely. We would recommend including all your major social profile, whether that’s Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter probably should have links to your major social outlets, um, as well, your blog, if you have a blog, having fresh content on your site is an indicator to Google that your site has more authority. So we definitely do recommend to our clients. And it’s a service that we offer is writing fresh content or blog posts regularly on your website. So two very simple things in terms of this incident, SEO checker, what it looks at from a social perspective.

Social Analysis

Shares on social media have become an increasingly important SEO indicator.   This section checks Facebook for shares as well as the existence of a Facebook share button and active blog.

SEO Checker Social Analysis

Mobile Analysis

More than 50% of Google’s 5 billion+ daily searches come from mobile devices.  Thus, Google has adopted a mobile-first policy.  This means all aspects of the mobile version of your website are more important than the desktop version.

The next element that our SEO checker looks at is your mobile site, or it does a mobile analysis. It’s going to look at four elements in, in regards to your mobile site versus going to see if there is a mobile site map. Second is going to make sure that you’re using the proper compression. They’re just going to see if you have an Apple icon. And then lastly, it’s going to check if you’re using the proper view port. Um, we would definitely recommend taking that a step further and using Google’s mobile checker to make sure that your site is responsive mobily and that your buttons and your texts aren’t too small. Cause they might deem you a, your mobile site. If the buttons are too small or the Texas too close together, Google also does check a mobile speed. Uh, so because Google has adopted this mobile first mentality, um, always making sure that you are, or site is visually appealing from a mobile perspective that it’s fast and that it’s optimized for mobile, uh, because Google has really adopted this mobile first mentality. Um, our instant SEO checker also gives a little snapshot of what your mobile site would look like. So it kind of gives you a good visual. Is it easy to read the buttons too close together? Is the text big enough? So a nice little visual snapshot is pretty cool.

SEO Checker Mobile Analysis

The next element that our SEO checker looks at is yours. Page links. It’s going to look at seven different items, page links, and it’s using Moz relate to pull this link data. So the first thing is it’s going to look at, uh, links, uh, from other sites to your site or that page. That’s looking to look to see how many linking domains are unique domains. Um, let’s go look to see how many outbound links you have. It’s also going to look to see how many outbound followup links you have, and then it’s going to give you a Moz trust score, right? And a Mazda rank score as well as a Moz page authority. So, um, it’s going to do a kind of a quick, uh, page analysis, um, or link analysis. If you will, on each page that you test to kind of get you the incoming and outgoing links for that page and Mazda’s trust factors for those links. So check it out. Those are seven simple, um, link checking tools that come from MAs in our incident.

Page Link Analysis

Backlinks are still a primary SEO indicator to Google and other search engine regarding the authority and trust of your website.  This section checks both inbound and outbound links as well as the MozTrust, MozRank and Moz Page Authority scores of your web page.

SEO Checker Page Link Analysis

Root Domain Link Analysis

The homepage of your website or root domain is usually the most authoritative page on your website.  This section checks the links and MozTrust, MozRank and Moz Domain Authority scores of your homepage or root domain.

SEO Checker Root Domain Link Analysis

Domain Analysis

This section checks several domain factors including: domain length, age of domain, expiration date, canonicalization, SSL, robots.txt and favicon.

SEO Checker Domain Analysis

SEO Checker FAQs

Our SEO checker is a free online software tool that scans your webpage for 58 SEO elements that may impact your search engine ranking.  Our SEO checker allows you to input one keyword or phrase to see how well your webpage is optimized for that particular keyword or phrase.

Our SEO checker crawls your webpage code and analyzes 58 SEO elements against SEO best practices to determine your SEO score. In addition, our SEO checker analyzes how well your chosen keyword is integrated into important SEO elements like your title tag, description, headers, content, URLs and more.

Our SEO Checker takes about 30 seconds to check 58 SEO elements on your website.  We consider this to be an instant SEO check.

Yes.  Our SEO Checker is one of the few SEO checkers that analyzes your SEO based on a target keyword.  13 of the 58 SEO elements checked are based on your target keyword.

Your SEO score is a number between 0 and 100 based on the number of the 58 SEO elements your website passes.  Its important to remember this SEO checker reviews 58 of the hundreds of SEO ranking factors.  Your SEO score may not necessarily reflect how well your website ranks for your target keyword.

Yes. Your SEO report will be ready for immediate download.  In addition, your SEO report will be emailed to you directly.

We recommend consulting an SEO agency to assist you in fixing important errors and  building a comprehensive SEO strategy.

SEO Checkers Compared

SEO Checker Checks Keyword Doesn’t Check Keyword Elements Checked
JEMSU Instant SEO Checker Checks Keyword 63
JEMSU Site Auditor Doesn’t Check Keyword 45
SEObility SEO Check Doesn’t Check Keyword 62
Neil Patel SEO Analyzer Doesn’t Check Keyword
SEOSiteCheckUp Doesn’t Check Keyword 48
Woorank Doesn’t Check Keyword 62
SEOptimer Doesn’t Check Keyword 49
SEMrush Doesn’t Check Keyword
SEOtesteronline Doesn’t Check Keyword